Do you have CDs?  Do you want more interest with no risk? Call us Today!

  Call Us Today! (855) 664-5660, (828) 513-5045     We have access to the highest guaranteed fixed interest rates that we offer and allows your client to customize the product to best fit his or her needs. It’s a single premium Multi-Year...

Brain Aneurysm Education

First:  I am not a medical doctor nor should this be taken as medical advise.   What is a brain aneurysm? A brain aneurysm is a weak or thin spot on a blood vessel wall in the brain that balloons out and fills with blood. Often this wall is weakened by disease, injury...

When is the best age or time to get an annuity?

      Originally, annuities had one purpose, which was to convert a lump sum of capital into a stream of income, either for a lifetime or for a certain time period. They were designed for people at retirement or those who had a specific need for fixed,...