The typical long-term care buyer
•  Female, Caucasian, age 55 to 64
•  Married with adult children
•  Working in a white-collar profession; not yet retired
•  College educated
•  Living in a metropolitan area with a population of  at least 250,000
•  A homeowner with 11 or more years in the current residence
•  Affluent; upper middle class with a household income  of $100,000 or more
•  A “planner” who is interested in financial issues; owns life insurance and other conservative investment products
•  Family oriented
•  Exposed to LTC issues; knows someone (a family member  or friend) who has needed LTC services
•  Research oriented; an online user; self-educated about LTCi
•  Generally skeptical and mistrusting of financial advisors  and insurance companies